Im a Simple Person I See a Funny Meme I Press Like
There are three types of people in this world. There's the type who avoid confrontation at all costs and would rather give their left kidney before handling a tough situation. There's also the type that thinks they are entitled to saying whatever they feel is on their minds, while mindlessly confronting people in the worst ways. Then, there's the type that chooses the passive-aggressive route (and these are the smart people). They aren't overly direct at getting their point across, yet exhaust just the right amount of effort to let the targeted person know that they mean business (in an indirect way, of course). We have all come across different types of people and can usually put them into one of the categories above. But, is spotting a passive-aggressive human being all that easy? If you are one of those people that like to get their point across while also trying to shy away from confrontation, the next 15 memes will hit home for you.
15 No one likes dirty dishes

For anyone that had nit-picky roommates, this one is for you. Maybe you only had one roommate or maybe you have several; either way, there is always someone that is over-dramatic about basic household chores before you even get the chance to do anything about it. So, what do they do? They go ahead and do the said chore themselves while complaining about it just loud enough for you to hear it. So, in instances like this, there's only one thing to do: simply stop doing the chores that you are supposed to do and leave it all for them because they like doing it so much. Instead of calling them out for their obsessive behavior, just sit back with a cold one and watch them go at it.
14 Spit it out already

This is a commonality among many people nowadays. It's the action of putting vague messages on their favorite social media site and hoping that others will get their point and possibly feel bad for them. We probably can name quite a few friends or acquaintances we follow that like to do this from time to time or in some cases, everyday. They might put up a semi-dramatic status and not explain themselves at all when we ask. This is the epicenter of passive-aggressiveness and it only frustrates people looking into the situation because the said status can mean a multitude of things. Not only do the people who post these statuses want attention, but they probably want a few comments and "likes" as well. As face-to-face conversations are becoming less of a thing, posting vague feelings on the web for all to see is the new thing and sometimes it feels way better.
13 In denial

It's funny when we can clearly label people in our lives (or ourselves) as being passive-aggressive, but don't like to admit it or call them out. Even hinting at the fact that others are guilty of being passive-aggressive without actually coming out and saying it is grounds for being passive-aggressive.
For some reason, when situations happen to us, we can't see them as clearly as people looking in from the outside can. We don't want to admit that we can't successfully confront people and be done with a certain situation. We just like to subtly, but semi-aggressively make a comment or two and leave it at that. But once we are in the comfort of our own home and think back to the day's events, we probably come to conclusion that the conversation or situation could have been more black and white. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
12 Payback at its finest

Siblings are people you don't necessarily get to choose. They were around at least until they were 18 and we have to be civil with them until then to survive. But that doesn't mean they feel the same way. There's always that one brother or sister that will go out of their way to make their other siblings miserable. We know that if we fight back with them it will only cause us to get in trouble (somehow that's how it always works) and that's never fun. So, instead of giving them back what they shoot, there is always the passive-aggressive route. Karma in that form is so much sweeter and the suspense is greater. We understand they will end up figuring out it was us who switched out their conditioner for mayonnaise, but there's always the act of denial that can be used in situations like those.
11 You can come, your BF on the other hand...

Again, it's kind of an unspoken rule that we have to tolerate our family. After all, we share the same DNA with them and they will probably be around for holidays and such for a long time. But just because we have to tolerate them doesn't mean we need to like their obnoxious friends or slimy significant others. In fact, we can try out other methods that play to our advantage and take the chance to block their significant others out of our lives at every opportunity possible. Oh shoot, didn't get the Facebook invite for my party? Sorry, sucks to suck. After all, it is OUR party and we don't have to invite everyone and their boyfriend. Sorry sis, the slime-ball of a boyfriend just can't come.
10 Subtle road rage

There will come a time when we cannot even start to understand the method behind some people's driving skills. We often ponder the thought of how certain people get their license in the first place and then manage to hold onto it. There's always that idiot in a car that cuts us off, the dope that stays in the passing lane going under the speed limit and to top it off, the clueless wonder that parks too close to us. We know we cannot physically move the car ourselves, so we use what we have to make them pay for their lack of brainpower. The panic button can be used for several things, but blaring it for those in close proximity to us is on top of the list. Works every time.
9 Disgruntled employee

Wouldn't it be just grand if we got to pick our own co-workers? In a perfect world, that would be possible. We often wonder how some of our co-workers keep their jobs and continue to go about their daily lives without crashing and burning. The most mundane tasks at the office are hard for others and we can't quite figure out if they realize they aren't in the comfort of their own homes.
It's a classic scene when we write passive-aggressive notes to others and put them in a public place for all to see. This all happens without having to admit it was us that wrote the note. As the world continues to evolve, there will never be a scarce amount of people that forget how adulting works, while completely disregarding the fact that there are others trying to function around them. The cycle will never be broken and there will always be an abundance of semi-sassy notes calling these people out for the good oike f the company.
8 No clue what's going on

It seems as if it were yesterday that we were in high school and clique-y friends would spout off inside jokes that only a few others will understand. We'd like to think this ends after senior year, but it doesn't. There are people that will have secret conversations right in front of others and not bat an eye. They know we don't understand the underlying meaning behind their gibberish and they seem to get a kick out of it. It gets pretty awkward for us outsiders, as we sit there and think about the laws of gravity while they continue to giggle like little schoolgirls. We want to just scream at them for their immaturity, but we will just mutter a sassy comment under our breath and hope they hear us.
7 Your lunch is my lunch

Another office no-no. We aren't quite sure who started the whole "it's OK to eat other people's leftovers" thing, but it's clearly something that doesn't just happen in movies. People that understand this is rude wouldn't even fathom taking other people's lunch because of the guilt that would come with it. But there's always that sneaky bastard at the office that thinks that they will never get caught and continues to steal rations from others. While the ideal action would be to call out the thieves, there are obviously other people in this world that give it right back to those people with just enough sass to get their point across.
6 When math questions are just dumb

When we were in school, we all had our favorite classes. We also had to endure classes that we wished we would never have to step foot in again. For a lot of us, math was that class. While there were plenty of people that thrived and understood every complicated and useless lecture, the rest of us sat their with our eyes glazed over and wondered if we could just hire someone to sit-in for us. So, while we just wanted to run away and never look back, we made our way through the said class and tried our best. But we can never quite get over the fact that math problems had the dumbest scenarios. While we wanted to write a snarky answer down, we also wanted to pass this class and not have to go through another minute of it.
5 But really, I forgive you

Being passive-aggressive can be a blessing in disguise. How? By being so discreet about the digs we make towards people, they end up being the ones to apologize for over-reacting. While not everyone has the gift of being good at passive-aggressiveness, the ones that do have it use it to their advantage whenever they can. When it comes to fights with significant others, it is so easy to make an under-handed snarky comment when they don't even realize what just happened. Luckily for us, the mix between playing nice and not nice at all can confuse people that aren't aware of what's going on. We aren't sure how we got so lucky in life, but fights are a lot less painful with a smile and a comment that might be more on the passive side, but a bit on the aggressive side as well.
4 Be nice or you'll think twice

In customer service jobs, employees are told that the customer is always right. The customer is right, even when we know they are completely wrong. The customer is right, even when they are extremely rude and they are right just about any other time they want to be. Since we want to continue earning money and avoid living on the streets, we suck it up and plaster a fake smile on our face and bare it. And while we cannot say the words we wish we could, we think of other ways we can blow off our steam the right way. Case in point: tricks such as gypping them of discounts, food toppings etc. After all, they completely deserve it and we can't help ourselves.
3 Indirectly, but directly reminding your SO

Isn't it just the best when we can use our significant other's missteps to our advantage? Sometimes, we need to remind them just how special and great we really are, so we nudge them along a little until they understand what they need to do. If they understand us as much as they should, they will get the hint (such as the one above, which probably isn't as bad as it looks). We don't want to have to say that we want a certain diamond ring over and over. So, we just fire off comments here and there when we feel it's necessary. Of course, this is all without coming clean of what we actually want for a special birthday or anniversary. After all, it just doesn't work like that in a passive-aggressive person's mind.
2 The smart one

When we think back to our college days, we remember those times when we really wanted to have fun with our friends, but couldn't. We had other obligations such as life-altering tests that we had to pass if we wanted to see the next semester. We tell our friends that as nicely as possible and they seem to understand and promise not to make a ton of noise at the "small party" they are about to have. Then, the day comes and we learn that they definitely forgot what they promised previously. We don't make a scene, we just shut our door and try to get some rest. But then, morning happens. We got up a bit early, so we might as well spend our time getting ready for the day with extra loud music. After all, we survived through it last night, so our friends and their hangovers can survive through it, too.
1 Read between the words

Let's be honest ladies, we've used this phrase countless times in our dating lives. We don't want to be "that girl" that complains about our significant other's plans that they made without us. In fact, we are so forgiving that we even put aside the fact that our significant other forgot we had made plans for just the two of us, weeks ago. We want to act like we can handle this and are way above pettiness and acting like a small child. But deep inside, we think there might be a chance that our significant other might remember our plans if we drop hints here and there throughout the day before they leave. No dice. So, when the time comes for them to head out and they think you are just the greatest girlfriend in the world, we drop the ultimate three words to end it all: "OK, have fun." Works every time.
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